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Shedding Light on Sensitive Data with Intelligent Data Classification

Shedding Light on Sensitive Data with Intelligent Data Classification
Shedding Light on Sensitive Data with Intelligent Data Classification

In today's data deluge, managing and protecting sensitive information is critical. LightBeam's intelligent data classification goes beyond basic sorting, offering a privacy-centric approach to organization and data security.

Traditional methods of document classification rely on manual tagging or pattern matching, which struggle with the ever-growing diversity and volume of data. LightBeam takes a different approach:
  • Gen AI Core : Our core is powered by machine learning, allowing LightBeam to continuously learn and adapt to your specific document types. Train it with a few samples, and watch it intelligently classify similar documents across your entire data landscape

  • Contextual Understanding: LightBeam goes beyond simple keyword matching. It analyzes the entire document, including context and relationships between data points, to ensure accurate classification. This is crucial for identifying sensitive information that may not follow a strict pattern, like social security numbers hidden within emails

  • Pre-built Classifications: Get started quickly with a comprehensive library of pre-built classifications, encompassing common categories like Finance, Legal, HR, Medical, and Identity. These categories are further divided into sub-classifications for granular organization (e.g., Finance > Invoices & Receipts, Tax Forms)

Data Classification Classes
Data Classification Classes
  • Export Control: Download a CSV containing the list of entities impacted by the access to high-sensitive files.

  • Customizable Templates: LightBeam empowers you to create custom document templates tailored to your specific needs. These templates act as training blueprints, allowing you to define classifications and subclassifications for unique document types within your organization

  • Flexible Labeling: Enhance document searchability and organization with user-defined labels. Go beyond basic classifications and add descriptive labels like "Confidential," "Restricted" or "Sensitive" providing a nuanced understanding of your data. Documents can have multiple labels for a truly customized approach

Data Labeling
Data Labeling
  • Policy-Based Classification: Data privacy and protection regulations are a key driver for classification and data discovery. Organizations need to identify data falling under specific regulations, like GDPR, CCPA, NYDFS, HIPAA, SOX, and GLBA, and enforce policies to manage and protect that data. LightBeam provides built-in policy libraries to help classify, manage, and protect specific types of data based on policies. For example, it can identify ID numbers and passwords falling under the CCPA, national identity schemes for GDPR, and credit card information under PCI. This classification and management of data by policy enables organizations to create workflows, manage access, monitor use, and protect sensitive data that may be vulnerable to attacks

Policy creation at LightBeam
Policy creation at LightBeam

To ensure successful data protection and privacy automation, it is crucial to effectively discover, classify, correlate, and catalog all sensitive information, regardless of its location. Relying solely on pattern-matching is no longer sufficient. Organizations must have the capability to link data to an identity, establish connections between individual instances of sensitive data, automatically identify both direct and implied sensitive or personal information, and implement procedures and guidelines for safeguarding and overseeing that data.

Benefits of LightBeam's Intelligent Classification:

  • Effortless Organization: Automate document sorting, freeing up valuable time for more strategic tasks

  • Simplified Compliance: Meet regulatory requirements with confidence for example, GDPR/CCPA. LightBeam's classifications and labels help you demonstrate control over your data, making compliance audits a breeze

  • Powerful Search & Retrieval: Find the information you need quickly with advanced search filters based on classifications, labels, and document content


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